Monday, December 13, 2010

First Piano Recital

Nora and Elsa had their first piano recital on Sunday and they played very well.  It's in the link on the YouTube clips on the right, or it should play right here as well.

The blog is back up!

Alright, so after trying to get everyone to buy some really nice replica watches and handbags, our blog is back up.  After a minor bout of spam we have everything ready to go.  The slide show has all of the pictures of the girls up and we'll have a new piano recital video up later. 

That's it for now, enjoy the holidays.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Gymnastics Meet at Whitewater

The girls had another good meet today; Nora's scores were 8.0-8.4 and Elsa's were 7.8-8.3.  We did some videotape coaching and they've got a few things yet to work on, but they looked good.  There is a new video up on YouTube and of course more pictures in the slide show.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Gymnastics Meet

The meet this morning went well.  The girls both remembered their routines and looked very good doing them.  They both scored in the upper sevens and low eights, and they were pretty happy.  Elsa and Nora both had great vaults. 

On another note, Melissa is ready to be done with this whole pregnancy thing.  It's getting harder for her to get to sleep at night, but her doctor seems to think that it will be this week.  The next blog post might just be from my phone...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Pumpkin Fest

Pretty much everyone except for James knows this already, but Pumpkin Fest was pretty much the coolest thing ever, like anyone could even know that.  So there's lots of pictures up in the slide show.  Elsa liked going down the big slide the best and Nora liked the roller coaster the best.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

First Gymnastics Meet!

The girls competed in their first ever gymnastics meet this morning and we wanted to get the pictures up right away.  They both did very well and remembered all of their routines.  Most importantly they had a good time and were very excited.

Except for Melissa having Hot Wheels bombed on her from the balcony by the son of an inept parent, it was relatively uneventful.  While there are scores for Level 3, there isn't a place system, so everyone is a competitor and everyone is happy.  The next meet for the girls is Oct 23 in Franklin.

Monday, September 27, 2010

First Fall Weekend

We finally got some perfect fall weather this weekend and enjoyed it in the O.C.  We hit an apple orchard, played around in the yard, had a hayride (behind Grandpa's ATV), and got some bird hunting in.  It was a good weekend for the girls as seen in the pictures.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Vacation Weekend

Melissa and the girls got to take a trip up to Door County this weekend finished off by a Brewers Game on Monday afternoon.  Racing the pedals cars, a round of mini golf and sitting by the campfire filled up the weekend.

The Brewers Game was fun until the pitching fell apart again, but what's new.  The play area on the Field Level is still a big hit. 

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Summer's over, School starts

Elsa & Nora had a their first day of Kindergarten this Monday.  The were so excited that they "couldn't even believe it."  They are going to full day K5 and so far day 1 was awesome.  Nora said her favorite part was all of it.

There are also some new pictures up of their gymnastics meet from last weekend.  They had a good time but they need to work on their routine a little more to get all of the steps down.

Keep voting on the baby names if you haven't already.  Thanks for the Seven votes too.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

George Costanza

The baby name voting is already well under way, but Melissa may have confused some by misspelling Costanza.  So, here's the clip that came from. 

Seven Costanza

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Gymnastics Show

On Saturday the girls performed their gymnastics routine at the gym.  It was just a show and not a competition but they were very proud of themselves.  If they keep progressing at this rate, they will be in some meets this fall and winter.  We'll keep everyone updated on that.  So here's a video of Elsa & Nora performing their show routine.  Nora is shown in the beginning and then Elsa after that. 

I also included a link to our YouTube page where I posted a longer video of them practicing skills and performing a different routine from the same night.  It should be just above the slide show on the right side of the page. 

Thursday, July 29, 2010

No More Training Wheels

It probably isn't really news to anyone anymore, but Elsa & Nora are still very proud of their new found freedom.  They get really big smiles when they pass a little kid who calls them big kids.  So here they are in all their glory, showing off the kickstands.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Elwood's dedication to his craft

Just a quick picture from last weekend.  While trying to catch up on some lost sleep from work, Elwood showed some real determination.  Note the ball underneath the hammock.  Melissa said he sat there almost the entire time I was alseep, just waiting.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Baby Pictures

So here are just a few of the ultrasound pictures we had taken today.  It's a little early yet, but we think she looks a bit like Nora already.

As always there are a couple more pictures up in the slide show.  

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Gregory Palooza

Here's just a few of the pictures from the past couple of weekends.  There are many others in the slide show.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Early Summer Update

There's been a lot going on here so I'll keep it short and let the pictures speak for themselves. Baseball games, museum trips and our outdoor projects have been keeping us busy.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


The girls spent an extra long weekend by Grandma and Grampy Gregory. The weather stayed just nice enough for the girls to get out into the woods a little.

They enjoyed the Easter Egg hunt and then told us that they were going to hide eggs for us to hunt. They said it wasn't going to be easy and they weren't kidding. One of the hard boiled eggs was thrown into the back of the truck (only minor damage to the shell), another was buried in the sandbox and the rest were in good spots around the yard.

Monday was another nice day spent in the woods and on the tree swings, and Tuesday they finally had to come back into town. When they got back home they had more Easter baskets waiting for them from Grandma and Papa Fleming. Nora's eyes got big and she said "Daddy, what are those over there?" Yep, more candy. It's been a good Easter. We hope everyone else had a Blessed Easter as well.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Unfortunately our Arizona trip is over. But the good news is that we took so many pictures that if you flip through them really fast it's almost like being there.

It's definitely a place we will have to go back to, maybe once the girls are a little bit bigger.

Enjoy the pictures, it was beautiful there.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gymnastics Show

Last week the girls were in a gymnastics show at French Immersion School. Their coaches thought they were ready for it and they were very excited as well. They did a short routine of cartwheels and handstands with a little bit of tumbling. They did really well and had a good time (see the photos in the slide show). We'll be sure to keep you updated on any future shows they might be in.

They also had a little bit of time to play in the snow yesterday. Snow caves and Bilibo sledding...what could be better.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Dogs

We sometimes forget to showcase our dogs here and this post is for them. They might be challenged, but we love them.

Monday, February 8, 2010

5th Birthday Already!

First of all, a big thanks to Steve and Ginger who hosted the party, and also to everyone who made it there (when trying to add up how many people were going to be there Nora said "probably like a thousand").

The girls were so excited to get to the presents that they started opening them before anyone even knew about it. Once the party had wound down a bit the girls got a lot of energy out by running laps in the house. The pictures are pretty funny. As always lots more pictures on the right.

Friday, January 29, 2010

It's been awhile

So here's a couple of recent pictures of the girls...yes that is Elsa crossing her eyes, her newest talent.