Monday, August 31, 2015

End of Phase II and an Adventure

Since the siding was technically finished a few weeks ago this is a little late, but it's true nonetheless.  Phase II is complete.  After stating this at work last week I was immediately asked "Just how many phases are there?"  I don't know, but phase II is complete. 

We actually bought this....

With the last pieces of soffit in place under the porch, a few bits of siding was all that was left of the project that began in June.  Now that the outside is all wrapped up it's time to get the second floor finished as nicely as the first floor.  On to the adventure...

This last weekend we insulated the upstairs of the front of the house.  While pulling down the temporary canvas wall art (with some original works by uncle Matt) out flew our resident bat.  He made a small appearance during the siding job, but hadn't been seen since.  We quickly opened all three windows while he circled, but he refused to leave.  We tried negotiating with him, but he only made threatening statements and barricaded himself in the northern end of the attic.  He was rumored to have a large cache of weapons and anti-remodeling views,  so we tool a step back and finished our lunch to regroup.
We requested tear gas, but were turned down.  Turns out that a Mammoth smoke bomb was just the tool for the job.  With a butterfly net in hand the canister was thrown in.  He was apprehended 30 seconds later and removed from the building. 

After that was all finished we took down the chimney in the attic and cleared the way for some re-framing of the upstairs.  Here's the view now:

Next up is running our electrical circuits, drywall and then tongue and groove pine for the ceilings.  