Sunday, February 27, 2011

Flabbergast Birthday Party!

What a birthday party!  Thanks to everyone who helped out and everyone who made it to the party.  The girls had a great time and it looked like everyone else did as well.  If you click on the link below it will take you to the slide show of all the pictures we took.  We tried to get a picture of everyone, but the kids were moving pretty fast.   Thanks again.

Party Pictures!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

6 Years Old!!

Elsa and Nora had quite a day today.  It started with a picture of them on channel 6's feature "Look who's six!" at 7:30 am before they left for school.  At school it was treats and birthday hats.  After they got home they had to wait for Melissa to get home to find out what their birthday surprise was.

After lots of questions and hints they still didn't know.  They had some dinner at Zaffiro's and afterward we went to the Cellular Arena to watch some Disney on Ice.  It was a hit, even with Jenna (who couldn't turn away from the lights; leave it to Disney to get our 2 month old hooked).  In the end they said it was a great surprise and they had a great time and a late night.

So here's to the big 6 year olds.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Today was the first snow day for the girls and they enjoyed it slightly....for about 3 hours total today.

There was probably 15-20" in most of the areas around the house.  It took quite a bit of work, but to Elsa & Nora it was worth it.  We've got some new pictures up and will probably be adding some more snow pics tomorrow.