Thursday, September 15, 2011

Short trip to Christchurch

We've spent the last two days about two hours north of Christchurch in a vacation town called Hamner Springs.  Finally we've gotten to see some of the views that are so often talked about.  We spent Friday hiking up to a waterfall and then taking a dip in the hot springs here.  Quite the way to spend the night after a three hour hike.  Tomorrow morning we head back to Napier and then it's time to head back home.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Greetings from Tomorrow

Just thought we'd make a quick post.  The trip is going well so far, the flight down here wasn't quite as bad as we were expecting.  Melissa is working through Wednesday when we'll go down to Christchurch for 2 nights and then back up here.  The weather wasn't too bad Sunday and Monday, but now it looks like we're going to get a stretch of rain and high winds for the next 2 or 3 days.  I put just a few of the pictures we took in the slideshow, but there will be plenty more the next few days.

Talk to everyone later,

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

School Starts and Camping

The twins had their first day of school last week...1st Graders!  They were both looking forward to getting back to school and hanging out with their friends and chasing the boys around during recess.  They are very excited.

This weekend was going to be the big Labor Day trip to Door County, but those plans all went awry.  Some flu bug hit everyone except for Jason and most of the trip was spent trying to sleep it off.  On top of that, the brief rain Friday turned into all day rain for Saturday and most of Sunday.  That didn't stop Jenna or the girls from playing a little bit around the campground and still having a good time though.

Our New Zealand trip is coming up this week and we'll try to update while we are out there.