Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Birthday to Jenna

So as you can see from these pictures, Jenna loves her planes!  She really seems to dig being the party kid too.  Thanks to everyone for bringing the food and indulging her obsession with Planes.

Here's to Jenna!

Monday, November 18, 2013


So here are quite a few pictures from the trip so far.  Sorry there are so many pictures of buildings...there isn't much to look at here.  Also, despite what you may think I have not photoshopped the grey sky into every picture, or the old Polish people, those two things are hard to get out of the pictures.

Our two days in Warsaw were foggy, cold, sometimes rainy and windy.  So, real nice by Polish standards.  We put in 8 miles of walking on Sunday and got to see plenty of Warsaw.  It's a good sized city (2.5 mil), so it was busy, lots of stores, lots of people etc.  Almost everyone speaks English, so it's been easy to get by.  We had some amazing meals in Warsaw, from small restaurants to sidewalk vendors selling Kielbasa, it's been the highlight of the trip.

As for Lodz, the cloud cover finally broke for a bit this morning and tomorrow should be sunny as well.  Haven't seen too much of the city yet, but will try to get to it tomorrow.

Later comrades
Warsaw, some palace or something

Old Town Warsaw

Old Town Warsaw opposite
Our Hotel in Lodz

Across from the hotel

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Leaf Pile Time!

After seeing all the leaves falling by us lately, Jenna asked for a leaf pile.  She doesn't miss much.  And now that it was finally dry enough outside she got her wish.