Friday, May 6, 2016

T-ball starts in a few weeks

Jenna's summer T-ball league starts in just a few weeks and with the weather finally getting nicer it was time to get the gear.  It goes without saying that she was pretty excited after getting her glove and ball.  Three separate rounds of catch later she was still asking if we could throw a few more times.  She's already got the throwing mechanics down, we'll add fielding and batting later.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Woodland creatures...

Elsa and Nora have a school play coming up this Friday and we got the costumes finished up last weekend. We thought we'd post pictures while they were still intact. Elsa is going to be a bunny and Nora will be a squirrel.  Nora is not allowed to wear the costume around Sam however.

After the play, the next night is their first band concert.  They are very excited.  I'm not sure if all the songs, but I know On Wisconsin will be played.