Saturday, January 11, 2014

This is my new work crew...

We're almost finished with our re-insulation project in the meat locker, otherwise known as the first floor bedroom.  When it was time for the breaking of the walls there were plenty of helpers...not so many for the insulation or drywall sanding parts.  It's now the warmest room in the house; funny how that happens when you actually have fully insulated walls.

This is also the official notice that the Fold out Bed and Breakfast is temporarily closed. The girls will take over the second floor of the house and Melissa and I will now permanently lease the B&B room.  Don't worry though, we're working on finding a fold out couch with a therapeutic bar right in the middle of your back...or something similar.

I highly recommend this crew:

Thursday, January 2, 2014

And a Happy New Year

We've got some new pictures up from the Real O.C.  James and Morgan got to spend a lot of time entertaining the girls while everyone else just tried to stay warm.  There was one small snow fort built, but it needed a fire right next to it for it to be comfortable.  Other than that, most of the time was spend inside by the fireplace.  Enjoy the rest of the pictures in the slideshow.