Thursday, January 26, 2012

Funny Kids

We certainly are blessed with some funny kids in this house. 

For exhibit A I would point your attention to the video in which Jenna has already found that dogs are easily fooled.  I was actually a little late recording this.  Just before this the dogs were jockeying for position every time she pretended to throw food.

For exhibit B if you've ever seen the girls' bedroom, you know that they are hoarders.  It's a fact, science really.  The girls' sheets needed to be washed, and after removing the usual 2 pillow animals, 4 books, 3 toys and a case of colored pencils (not joking that was really all up there) I noticed that something had fallen out of Nora's bed.  The latest City of Milwaukee Water Bill....Now to be fair Melissa had given it to them for use in their store/school/house in their playroom, but that is hands down the funniest thing I've ever seen in there. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Has anyone seen a tooth laying around here?

So it finally fell out today and Nora is very happy, Elsa is coping okay.  The tooth fairy has got some work to do now...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Jenna Doing a Little Dance

Just thought we'd share a funny moment with Jenna and a little bit of iTunes. It's very short (she does get distracted easily) but just keep hitting the play button over and over again, it'll seem longer and funnier.