Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gymnastics Show

Last week the girls were in a gymnastics show at French Immersion School. Their coaches thought they were ready for it and they were very excited as well. They did a short routine of cartwheels and handstands with a little bit of tumbling. They did really well and had a good time (see the photos in the slide show). We'll be sure to keep you updated on any future shows they might be in.

They also had a little bit of time to play in the snow yesterday. Snow caves and Bilibo sledding...what could be better.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Dogs

We sometimes forget to showcase our dogs here and this post is for them. They might be challenged, but we love them.

Monday, February 8, 2010

5th Birthday Already!

First of all, a big thanks to Steve and Ginger who hosted the party, and also to everyone who made it there (when trying to add up how many people were going to be there Nora said "probably like a thousand").

The girls were so excited to get to the presents that they started opening them before anyone even knew about it. Once the party had wound down a bit the girls got a lot of energy out by running laps in the house. The pictures are pretty funny. As always lots more pictures on the right.