Saturday, November 26, 2016

Dance Recital and Thanksgiving/Birthday

Two weeks ago Nora had her fall dance recital and she did a great job as usual.  We did manage to get a picture of her in costume at the end and also got photo bombed by santa (who has poor dance form in case you were wondering).  If you can get her to repeat any of those moves while she's at home, good luck.

We also had Jenna's 6th birthday party, a bit early much to her delight, and Thanksgiving together on Friday.  Jenna was so happy to have everyone come down, she even enjoyed the BBQ smoked turkey we made for dinner.  Thanks to everyone for making it a great day for Jenna and the whole family.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Halloween, Pumpkin Fest

Time for another photo unloading.

First up is Pumpkin Fest.  As usual it was a great time having everyone up there.  The beta test for DC Bingo showed a few flaws in trusting the contestants to play honestly.  Version 2.0 will address some of these issues.

Up next are the Halloween costumes.  The twins were both Harry Potter characters and Jenna went as a Viking from 'How to Train Your Dragon.'  They got a little bit of time at Grandma Weiland's house and also a little bit of time in our neighborhood.