Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Jenna in the Tent

Here's a quick video from camping.  Jenna was loving just hanging out in the tent and every few minutes she would poke her head around the corner checking out what was going on.  We certainly have some funny kids.

Monday, August 15, 2011


This past weekend was the big camping trip and everything went pretty well.  We got rain off and on Saturday, but an impromptu trip to the bowling alley in Prairie du Chien filled the time nicely.  At the campground we got to hike a few trails; one which climbed up the bluff (around 500' in elevation) and wore everyone out except Jenna.  It was really was a fun trip and the twins learned a lot from their Junior Ranger books (they got nice patches after completing some of the activities).  Check out the pictures in the slideshow for some of the views and hiking that we did.