Thursday, June 11, 2015

Halfway there?

A big thanks goes out to Tyler and Roxanne, the Fleming's, the Gregory's and our neighbor George for a huge week of sore shoulders, aching backs and popping Advil like it's cool. We would be laboring at this project for so much longer if it weren't for all the help.

I'm really hoping we're at the halfway point with all the work everyone put in so far. The old siding has been torn off, the attached shed was tractor'd off, everything has pink insulation on it and about half of the house is sided. We also have a fire pit that might need stairs to get into it and a great area for landscaping the 500 rocks we found.

Again, thanks to everyone for the help, and here's the pictures as we take a much needed rain day to recharge:

The new Fire Pit

South and East sides finished

Monday, June 1, 2015

Lots of progress

We got a lot of good work finished up this week. First of all a big thanks to the dads for work help and thanks to Grandma Gregory for some much needed babysitting.

We took down a tree, got a block wall built, rebuilt the bathroom door jamb, finished trim in the kitchen and bathroom, installed the last window, and insulated the second floor. Not bad for a four day trip.

Next week is on to the siding. Things are looking good.