Sunday, December 16, 2012

Winter Recital

Nora and Elsa played very well at their recital this afternoon.  I've got the video of it all edited and right below.....I wish we could get a little better audio, but you just have to be there I guess.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Party Girl

Jenna's party was this weekend and with the exception of Uncle Matt and Uncle James this will all be review.  For the California people out there this is new material so pay attention. 

Jenna was the life of the party.  That child lives for days where she is surrounded by people laughing at all of her goofiness and telling her she's cute (to which she likes to nod, "of course.").  So Saturday was a perfect fit for her.  She managed to stay in a great mood all day and has been getting good use of her presents every moment since.  There's some funny pictures up in the slide show, my favorite being the New Car! picture.